Study title
Post-Election Study - Presidential Elections Serbia 2000
Center for Political Studies and Public Opinion Research, Institute of Social Sciences, Belgrade, Serbia
Study number / PID
ZA4283, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Electoral behaviour, questions on the political system and attitudes towards political parties.
Topics: Voting in the 2000 Federal elections and voting decision (party and President); Kostunica as the President; satisfaction with the living standard, future prospects, political situation, economic situation, international relations, international position of Yugoslavia and with the amount and speed of foreign aid; present financial situation of the household and in a year; trust in national and international institutions; opinion about politicians; most trusted politician; greatest achievement of V. Kostunica, blame for prices and shortages; solve the accumulated problems; expecting protests and strikes in the next year; membership of EU, Partnership for Peace, and NATO; relying on EU vs. USA; diplomatic relations with USA, Great Britain, France and with Germany; aim of foreign help; extradition of the indicted people to The Hague Tribunal; arranging relations between Serbia and Montenegro; voting in a referendum in Serbia; preferred name Yugoslavia vs. Serbia and Montenegro; solution for Kosovo and Metohija; necessary kind of help for Kosovo and Metohija; heart about political parties and coalitions; voting in the Republican election in December and certainty of voting; survival or falling apart of the Democratic Opposition of Serbia (DOS); operation of DOS in elections; early Presidential elections; suggestion for Serbian President; Z. Djindjic as the Prime Minister; M. Dinkic for Governor of National Bank of Yugoslavia; potential conflict between Kostunica and Djindjic; attitudes towards role of opposition; most trusted source of information about political events; media objectivity.
Demography: Gender, age; education; occupation; nationality; number of household members; financial situation; region.