Study title
Living Conditions and Way of Life of Schoolchildren 1977 (Medium-Sized City)
Abteilung Bildungssoziologie an der Akademie der Pädagogischen Wissenschaften, Berlin
Study number / PID
ZA6460, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Value orientations, leisure time habits, school achievements,
common relations in school class and family relations.
Understanding and solidarity in class collective;
sex, school achievement, attitudes, characteristics and FDJ membership
of the schoolchild with the most influence;
frequency of meeting classmates;
meeting other schoolchildren from the school;
meeting places;
participation in school life;
participation in work teams and sport outside of instruction;
sport awards;
sport after end of secondary school;
leisure partners;
manner of getting to know friends;
leisure meeting places;
number of friends;
frequency of meeting;
importance of certain characteristics for a friend;
social status of best friend;
social status of parents of best friend;
influence of friendship on school achievements;
preferred leisure activities;
leisure places and leisure facilities;
relations in the class collective and with other classes;
conduct of classmates;
character traits of young people;
persons to confide in;
criticism of school life;
just treatment in school, family and in public;
social supervision by parents;
decision areas in one's family;
expectations of parents;
importance of recognition by parents, teachers, friends, classmates,
FDJ leadership and best friend;
school accomplishments achieved;
member of the FDJ and functions;
number of siblings;
family structure;
occupation, all-round education and occupational training of parents;
amount of pocket-money;
preferred use of money;
vacation work;
desired occupation;
possession of consumer goods in one's family;
housing conditions;
stress from school sport;
attractivity of sport instruction;
preferred type of sport;
functions in sport instruction;
models in sport;
enthusiasm at the results of competetive athletes;
sport grade.