Leibniz-Forschungsverbund 2.0
Pscheida, Daniela (Technische Universität Dresden)
Albrecht, Steffen (Technische Universität Dresden)
Herbst, Sabrina (Technische Universität Dresden)
Minet, Claudia (Technische Universität Dresden)
Köhler, Thomas (Technische Universität Dresden)
Use of social media and online-based applications in the context of scientific activities at German universities and research institutions.
Topics: assessment of activities and scope of scientific activities; professional and private use of online tools and social media; frequency of occupational use of online tools and social media; active and passive use of selected Web 2.0 applications; use of online tools and social media in various scientific fields of activity (research, teaching, administration, communication) and deepening activities within the field of research; attitudes of scientists towards the Internet and social media; recognition and dissemination of virtual research environments; online access media; inquired tools and applications: Social networks (Facebook, Google+), scientific / professional networks (Xing,, videoconference/VoIP (Skype, Adobe Connect), microblogs (Twitter), weblogs, wikipedia, other wikis (company Wiki, technical Wikis, etc.), content sharing / cloud services (dropbox, slideshare), online text editors (EtherPad, Google Docs), internet forums, mailing lists, chat / instant messaging (Skype, ICQ), online archiv/data bases (German digital library,, social bookmarking services (Delicious, Bibsonomy), literature management (Mendeley, Zotero), video / photo community portals (YouTube, Flickr), learning management systems; termination tools and coordination tools (Assana, Foodle, Trello).
Demography: age (year of birth and categories); sex; highest academic degree; function at the university / research institution; departmental affiliation; University affiliation; duration of previous scientific activity; percentage of scientific activity by activity.