Summary information

Study title

Aircraft Noise around Toronto International and other Southern Ontario Airports, 1976-1979


Hall, F. L., McMaster University (Hamilton, Ontario), Department of Geography
Taylor, S. M., McMaster University (Hamilton, Ontario), Department of Geography

Study number / PID

1356 (UKDA)

10.5255/UKDA-SN-1356-1 (DOI)

Data access



Not available


Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.

Six hundred and seventy-three interviews were collected at 56 sites around Toronto International Airport. The sites were stratified according to the noise level (NEF), location relative to the flight path, and the presence or absence of road traffic noise at the site. The interview was designed to answer questions regarding the degree of annoyance due to any of the transportation sources heard, the activities interrupted, perceived health effects, and actions taken because of the noise. Additional information was gathered regarding fear of crashes, non-noise effects of aircraft, socio-economic characteristics of the household, and physical characteristics of the building. Road traffic noise levels were measured by a 24-hour monitoring at each site. Aircraft noise levels were calculated using the United States Federal Aviation Administration Integrated Noise Model, utilizing data obtained from Transport Canada regarding movements at the airport.
In addition to the Toronto data 292 interviews were conducted at 20 sites around three general aviation airports (Waterloo-Wellington, Buttonville, Oshawa). The same information was collected through the interviews but the sample was selected on the basis of location relative to the runways and training circuits.


Data collection period

01/05/1978 - 01/08/1978



Time dimension

Cross-sectional (one-time) study

Analysis unit

Canadian adults


For Toronto: Adults (over 18) residing within 28 NEF (noise level) contour. For Oshawa/Buttonville/Waterloo-Wellington: residents within 3 miles (approx.) radius of the airport. Survey unit in both instances was individuals grouped into sites (12-15 people per site)

Sampling procedure

Multi-stage stratified random sample
for Toronto: Stage 1 - stratified random selection of block faces. Stratification factors were NEF greater than 40, 35-40, 30-35, 28-30), location relative to flight path (under/not under), road traffic noise level
Stage 2 - quota sample (15 households approx.) within selected block faces.
Stage 3 - convenience sample of adult (i.e. over 18) respondent within household.; For Oshawa/Buttonville/Waterloo-Wellington: Purposive site selection based on aircraft noise level (NEF) and location with respects to training circuits. Convenience sampling of households within sites to meet quota of 15 approx. respondents per site

Kind of data

Not available

Data collection mode

Face-to-face interview
Noise measurements



UK Data Service

Publication year


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The Data Collection is available to UK Data Service registered users subject to the End User Licence Agreement.

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