Study title
Psycho-Social Aspects of Health Burden in Advanced Age 1989
Institut für Sozialhygiene an der Karl-Marx-Universität Leipzig
Study number / PID
ZA6403, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Condition of health and psycho-social effects in advanced age.
Topics: Length of residence in Leipzig; form of housing; length of
living in residence; number of children; place of residence of child
with most frequent contact; frequency of contact; desire for more
frequent contacts; employment; occupation characteristics; management
function; satisfaction in occupation; condition of health; reasons
for not being of good health; "visible" condition of health
(estimated by interviewer) such as mobility, ability to see and hear,
function of arms; frequency of leaving the house; someone providing
help in daily life; extent of help; desire for more frequent visits;
satisfaction with residence; reasons for dissatisfaction; change of
housing conditions sought; attitude to life (scale); contentment with
life (scale).