Study title
E-books Supporting Studies: Higher Education Student Survey 2016
Mikkonen, Paula (National Library of Finland. FinElib)
Peltonen, Iina (National Library of Finland. FinElib)
Study number / PID
urn:nbn:fi:fsd:T-FSD3120 (URN)
The student survey charted the experiences of polytechnic and university students in Finland about using e-books as part of their studies. The survey began with general questions about the time respondents spent studying in a week, how much of this time was spent reading, and how many books related to their studies they read on average in a month. The next set of questions charted the respondents experiences with e-books, where they had acquired them and what devices they had used to read them. The students were also asked which e-book service providers they had used for their studies. Finally, the students were asked to evaluate e-books as part of their studies with some statements such as: "The books I need for my studies are often available as e-books" and "Reading e-books is easy". The background variables included the respondent's year of birth, mother tongue, degree type, institution and field of study as well as the year when R had begun studies.