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Local and Global Public Good of Higher Education: Canada, England, Finland and South Korea Case Studies, 2016-2024
Brewis, L, University of Oxford
Study number / PID
857215 (UKDA)
10.5255/UKDA-SN-857215 (DOI)
Data access
Not available
This dataset forms part of a wider 10-nation comparative study on the local and global public good role of higher education. The dataset here comprises transcripts of 82 interviews with university staff and policymakers or policy professionals in the four case study countries that the University of Oxford research team were responsible for, namely: Canada (n=19), England (n=35), Finland (n=20), and South Korea (n=8).This project investigates the contributions of higher education to public good at both local and global levels in 10 nation states: Canada, Chile, China, England, Finland, France, Japan, Poland, South Korea, and the USA. The aims of the study were: (i) Through investigation of relevant literatures and empirical data collection, to systematically review approaches to the public outcomes (or nearest lexical equivalent) in each country in the study, with due regard for national-cultural-linguistic context; (ii) To identify similarities, differences, overlaps and gaps between the country cases; (iii) To explore the potential for generic approaches that could apply across all countries, that might constitute the basis for worldwide analytical and measurement-based work in the future, while identifying factors that shape variations between national contexts; (iv) To progress the definition, identification and measurement of global common goods in higher education and science.
The overall project dataset comprises 236 semi-structured interview transcripts with university staff (n= 196) and policymakers or policy professionals (n=40). Interviews followed a standardised semi-structured interview rubric which was adapted to suit each country context. Interview questions covered four broad themes: (1) understandings of private, public and common good(s) in general, and in higher education, in both the national and the global scales; (ii) the contributions of higher education to public good(s), and constraints on those contributions; (iii) the respective missions...
Terminology used is generally based on DDI controlled vocabularies: Time Method, Analysis Unit, Sampling Procedure and Mode of Collection, available at CESSDA Vocabulary Service.
Data collection period
01/07/2016 - 30/04/2024
United Kingdom, Canada, Finland, South Korea
Time dimension
Not available
Analysis unit
Not available
Sampling procedure
Not available
Kind of data
Data collection mode
In each country, interviews comprised national-level policymakers and univesity staff from two selected case study universities. The two universities were purposively selected to illustrate contrasting characteristics/histories, namely one more locally/provincially anchored, and one more globally-orientated. Interviews were drawn from purposive samples of: (a) senior institutional leader-managers, (b) mid-level academic leader-managers; and (c) research-active academics in non-leadership roles. Interviews in categories (b) and (c) were drawn from three disciplinary clusters: (1) engineering; (2) economics/business; and (3) other social science fields and/or humanities. The balance of numbers between these broad clusters varied from country to country. Interviews were also sought with policymakers working in relation to higher education and other policy professionals such as personnel in public agencies other than state administration, leaders of national organisations focused on higher education, and academic experts in higher education research.
Funding information
Grant number
ES/M010082/1, ES/M010082/2 and ES/T014768/1
UK Data Service
Publication year
Terms of data access
The Data Collection is available for download to users registered with the UK Data Service.