Summary information

Study title

Assessment of Pitman Model Capabilities in Modelling Surface Water-Groundwater Interactions in the Lake Sibaya Catchment, South Africa, 2020-2022


Mantel, S, Rhodes University
Wolff, M, Rhodes University

Study number / PID

857342 (UKDA)

10.5255/UKDA-SN-857342 (DOI)

Data access



Not available


Difficulties arising from data scarcity, input data error or uncertainty, heterogeneous environments, lack of process understanding, and model structural uncertainty frequently constrain hydrological assessments of South African catchments. This research aimed to assess the usefulness of a “simpler” conceptual model for the conjunctive management of surface water and groundwater. The idea is that, to leverage the limited available data and information, a compromise between model complexity and data availability is required, which improves the use of models to produce reliable hydrological systems assessments. The research methodology focused on catchment-scale lake-groundwater dynamics to explore the limits of the groundwater components of the modified Pitman model in this type of environment, thus, determining the potential for using this model for integrated water assessments in South Africa. The Pitman model is one of the most widely accepted models regarding surface water hydrology in South Africa; however, the newly incorporated groundwater components have not been applied as extensively as the surface water components. There remains uncertainty regarding their capability to adequately simulate groundwater processes and accurately represent surface and groundwater interactions in some environments. The model was assessed based on how well simulated water balance variables accurately reflected available evidence and expected catchment response (objective 1). Secondly, the research identified and addressed uncertainties as regards the structure and application of the model’s groundwater interaction components (objective 2). The model was set up for the Lake Sibaya catchment, which is a predominantly groundwater-driven system and, thus, provides an important opportunity to interrogate different aspects of uncertainty in both the conceptualizing and quantifying interaction processes. The study’s overall conclusion is that the model performed satisfactorily as...
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Data collection period

01/01/2020 - 01/01/2022


South Africa

Time dimension

Not available

Analysis unit



Not available

Sampling procedure

Not available

Kind of data


Data collection mode

The methodology involved setting up the modified Pitman model to simulate lake-groundwater dynamics in the Lake Sibaya catchment. The study focused on evaluating how well the model's groundwater components could simulate hydrological processes in this predominantly groundwater-driven system. The studied population comprised the hydrological characteristics of the Lake Sibaya catchment. The sampling procedure included collecting data on streamflow, lake volumes, and rainfall to assess the model's accuracy and sensitivity in reflecting the water balance and catchment response.

Funding information

Grant number




UK Data Service

Publication year


Terms of data access

The Data Collection is available for download to users registered with the UK Data Service.

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