Summary information

Study title

Income, Expenditure and Disability, 1993


Noble, M., University of Oxford, Department of Applied Social Studies and Social Research
Smith, G., University of Oxford, Department of Applied Social Studies and Social Research
Daly, M., University of Oxford, Department of Applied Social Studies and Social Research

Study number / PID

3569 (UKDA)

10.5255/UKDA-SN-3569-1 (DOI)

Data access



Not available


Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.

The purpose of this study is to examine the income and expenditure patterns of disabled people and the impact of the introduction of Disability Living Allowance thereon.
Main Topics:

The interview schedule was split into three parts. The first interview was an income and expenditure inventory, looking at the living costs of the household. A diary to be completed by each adult (16+) member of the household covered everything they spent during the following fortnight. Then a second interview was conducted, with the disabled person, covering the nature of the disability and the effect it had on their ability to lead a full life. Information was also sought relating to the uptake of the Disability Living Allowance.
Standard measures:
The second interview was based on the OPCS 1985-88 disability surveys and allowed the generation of <i>Disability Severity Scores and Scales</i> using the OPCS methodology and syntax.


Data collection period

04/02/1993 - 08/04/1993



Time dimension

Cross-sectional (one-time) study

Analysis unit

Disabled people


Low income households in a North-Western industrial town with individuals currently in receipt of Disability Living Allowance or potentially eligible family members.

Sampling procedure

Screening questionnaire sent to low income population from a Local Authority Housing Benefit dataset.

Kind of data

Not available

Data collection mode

Face-to-face interview

Funding information

Grant number




UK Data Service

Publication year


Terms of data access

The Data Collection is available to UK Data Service registered users subject to the End User Licence Agreement.

Commercial use of the data requires approval from the data owner or their nominee. The UK Data Service will contact you.

Related publications

  • Daly, M. and Noble, M. (1996) 'The reach of disability benefits:: An examination of the disability living allowance', Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law, 37-51