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In this survey, Finnish students' experiences of and thoughts on international student exchange were charted. The respondents were psychology and social work students in the University of Tampere. The questionnaire had four sections: leaving for exchange, effects of student exchange in general, effects of student exchange on working life and thoughts and advice for those about to leave for exchange. In the first section, the respondents were asked which things they associated with international student exchange, what had made them decide to go on exchange, how their nearest and dearest (e.g. parents, friends, partner) had reacted to the idea of their leaving for exchange and whether many of the people close to the respondents had lived or otherwise spent much time abroad. The second section had questions focusing on the significance of the exchange in their life, positive and negative impacts of the exchange, whether the exchange period had changed the respondents' views on certain things, and to what extent and how the period had affected the respondents' personal relationships. In the third section, the respondents were asked about the field they were/had recently been working in, how long they had been in a job related to their education and qualifications, impacts of student exchange on their occupational life, and skills developed during the exchange (e.g. language skills, independence). In the final section, questions covered what the respondents would like to say to someone planning to go on exchange, things/experiences gotten out of the exchange period they otherwise wouldn't have, things in student exchange that bring out changes in individuals and what they would have done differently about their exchange. Finally, the respondents were asked whether they had any further thoughts on student exchange or the survey. The background variables included the respondent's gender, year of birth and major subject as well as the country in which they were on...
Terminology used is generally based on DDI controlled vocabularies: Time Method, Analysis Unit, Sampling Procedure and Mode of Collection, available at CESSDA Vocabulary Service.
Data collection period
Time dimension
Analysis unit
Students of social work and psychology in the University of Tampere who had been on international student exchange in 1994-2006
Sampling procedure
Non-probability: Purposive
Kind of data
Data collection mode
Self-administered questionnaire: E-mail
Finnish Social Science Data Archive
Publication year
Terms of data access
The dataset is (C) available only for research including master's theses.
Related publications
Parkkonen, Hanna (2007). Sosiaalityön ja psykologian opiskelijoiden kokemuksia kansainvälisestä opiskelijavaihdosta. Tampere: Tampereen yliopisto. Sosiologian ja sosiaalipsykologian laitos. Sosiaalipsykologian pro gradu -tutkielma.