Attitudes, brand awareness, purchase and consumer habits with alcoholic
and non-alcoholic beverages.
Topics: attitude to selected areas of life and characterization of
personal life style (scale); health-conscious nutrition; frequency of
going to restaurants privatly and on business; attitude to top-class
restaurants; spending habits when eating out; frequency of drinking
espresso and possession of an espresso maker in household; preference
and frequency of consumption and brand knowledge of alcoholic and
non-alcoholic beverages such as mineral water, cola drinks, fruit
juice, multi-vitamin juice, tangy-bitter refreshments and athletic
beverages; preference for diet variety of these beverages.
In form of a written supplement survey the following questions were
posed: attitude to consumption of alcoholic beverages (scale);
preference, product knowledge, purchase behavior, brand knowledge and
consumption frequency for whisky, brandy, cognac, Armagnac, fruit
brandy, Calvados, rum, gin, wodka, clear schnapps, herbal liqueur,
bitters, liqueur, Aperitif, vermouth, sherry, port wine, specialities,
long drinks, cocktails, champagne, sparkling wine, wine and beer;
travel frequency; trips abroad; use of various means of transport;
duty-free shop; frequency of reading newspapers and magazines; watching
Index: type of nutrition.