Study title
Party Preferences Czech Republic 2001 (Trend)
Institute for Public Opinion Research (IVVM), Prague, Czech Republic
Study number / PID
ZA3892, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Judgement on parties and attitude toward current political
questions. Cumulative data set of the monthly surveys in 2001.
Topics: Participation in elections and voting; party close to heart;
satisfaction with political situation; trust in institutions and
politicians; left-right self placement; ability of democracy to solve
serious problems; satisfaction with democracy; current economic
situation; transformation of the Czech economy; participation and voting
in the referendum on EU membership; advantages and disadvantages of EU
membership; values in EU (scale); idea of EU integration; satisfaction
with the speed of integration; goals and activities of the EU; European
integration in economy, politics, culture, defence and ecology; vote for
common European currency; interest in accession of the Czech Republic to
the EU; information on accession process; date of joining the EU;
intention to work in one of the EU member states after EU joining;
expected changes after joining the EU; support of Czech accession by
other member states; support of the Czech accession by political parties
in the Czech Republic; benefits of EU accession for social groups;
satisfaction with NATO membership; support for NATO membership; living
standard of the household.