Study title
Party Preferences Czech Republic 1998 (Trend)
Institute for Public Opinion Research (IVVM), Prague, Czech Republic
Study number / PID
ZA3889, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Judgement on parties and attitude toward current political
questions. Cumulative data set of the monthly surveys in 1998.
Topics: Participation in the 1998 elections and voting; relationship
to the party; party close to heart; preferred date of preliminary
elections; participation in preliminary elections; party which will
receive most votes; elections will improve situation; clear outcome of
the elections; preferred coalition for the government; satisfaction with
results of the elections; party voted for in the 1996 elections;
participation in the Senate elections; trust in the Senator; composition
of the Senate; satisfaction with political situation; left-right
self placement (scale); trust in institutions and political leaders
(Vaclav Havel (president)- Milos Zeman (CSSD leader)- Vaclav Klaus
(ODS leader); satisfaction with democracy; transformation of Czech
economy; EU membership; believe in God; living standard of the
household; region; size of the community.