Summary information

Study title

Significance and Role of Family Businesses in Society 2002


Harju, Johanna (Turku School of Economics. TSE Entre)
Heinonen, Jarna (Turku School of Economics. TSE Entre)
Kovalainen, Anne (Turku School of Economics. TSE Entre)
Känsälä, Marja (Turku School of Economics. TSE Entre)
Malinen, Pasi (Turku School of Economics. TSE Entre)
Stenholm, Pekka (Turku School of Economics. TSE Entre)
Toivonen, Jouko (Turku School of Economics. TSE Entre)

Study number / PID

FSD2458 (FSD)

urn:nbn:fi:fsd:T-FSD2458 (URN)

10.60686/t-fsd2458 (DOI)

Data access



Individual datasets

Individual datasets that do not belong to any series.


The survey charted small and medium-sized Finnish enterprises in 2002. The aim was to examine the significance, challenges and problems of family businesses in Finland as well as to produce concrete and current information on the development needs of family businesses. First, general information was obtained on the company. Questions charted the year of foundation, number of employees, net sales and share of export, and whether the company operated in the local, regional, or international market. The respondents indicated the primary customer group of the enterprise and its share in the net sales. They also estimated the financial situation of the firm. The role of family in the enterprise was examined by asking the respondents whether their close relatives had a share of ownership in the company, whether any close relatives worked as salaried employees or assistants in the company, and how much the company's business was discussed in the family. The respondents also indicated the number of generations who had run the family business, how large a share of the firm was owned by close relatives, and whether the family owned other companies. The objectives of the business were queried by canvassing the importance of increasing net sales, securing jobs, or providing opportunities for personal development. In addition, the respondents told whether the net sales of the company were increasing, and how the company pursued to increase them. Various questions also charted the values and practices of business activities. Next, the respondents were asked to evaluate the strengths of family entrepreneurship, such as the members' commitment, common views on objectives, and swiftness in decision-making. Interplay and conflicts between family life and business activities were canvassed with the help of questions on conflicts between work and family, distribution of work, developing the enterprise, flow of information, rewarding, commitment, and ownership. The role of other...
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Data collection period

09/04/2002 - 24/05/2002



Time dimension


Analysis unit



Small and medium-sized (less than 250 employees) Finnish entreprises

Excludes: Agricultural entrepreneurs

Sampling procedure

Total universe/Complete enumeration

Kind of data


Data collection mode

Telephone interview



Finnish Social Science Data Archive

Publication year


Terms of data access

The dataset is (B) available for research, teaching and study.

Related publications

  • Malinen, Pasi & Stenholm, Pekka (2008). Growth Orientation of Family Business. Teoksessa: Culturally Sensitive Models of Family Business in Nordic Europe. A Compendium Using the GLOBE Paradigm (toim. Vipin Gupta et al), 21. ICFAI University Press.
  • Harju, Johanna & Heinonen, Jarna (2008). Analyzing Finnish Family Business Performance, Part B, Performance Analysis of Finnish Family Businesses. Teoksessa: Culturally Sensitive Models of Family Business in Nordic Europe - A Compendium Using the GLOBE Paradigm (toim. Vipin Gupta et al), 112-124. ICFAI University Press.
  • Quo vadis, suomalainen perheyritys? (2003). Toim. Heinonen, Jarna. Turku: Turku School of Economics and Business Administration. Small Business Institute.