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Flash Eurobarometer 485 (EU Citizenship and Democracy)
European Commission, Brussels; Directorate General Communication, COMM.A.3 ´Media monitoring and Eurobarometer´
Study number / PID
ZA7633, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
10.4232/1.13550 (DOI)
Data access
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European citizenship.Topics: familiarity with the term ´citizen of the Europen Union´; knowledge test on EU citizenship: people have to ask to become a citizen of the EU, every citizen of the EU is at the same time a citizen of his / her own country, one can choose not to be a citizen of the EU; knowledge test with regard to selected rights of citizens in the EU; self-rated knowledge about measures that can be taken in case of the offence of the own rights as citizen of the EU; free movement of people within the EU brings benefits to national economy; right to seek support from an EU delegation in case of needing help while staying in a country outside the EU that does not have an embassy of respondent’s country; knowledge test regarding the rights of EU citizens living in respondent’s country to vote or to stand as a candidate in the following elections: European Parliament elections, national elections, regional elections, municipal elections; attitude towards selected rights to vote for citizens living in another EU country: right to vote in national elections and referendums in country of residence, right to vote and to stand as a candidate in regional elections of country of residence; attitude towards selected rights to vote for citizens living in another EU country: only in country of residence, only in country of origin, either in country of residence or in country of origin (depending on choice of the citizen), in both countries, in none; attitude towards the following measures with regard to increasing the turnout at European elections: more information on the impact of the EU on daily life, more information on programmes and objectives of candidates and parties, display affiliation of political parties to European parties in campaign materials, better information about the candidates for the President of the European Commission, more female candidates, more young candidates, possibility to contact a helpdesk with information on European Parliament...
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Terminology used is generally based on DDI controlled vocabularies: Time Method, Analysis Unit, Sampling Procedure and Mode of Collection, available at CESSDA Vocabulary Service.