Study title
The Citizen Survey - The Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration, 2017
Norwegian Digitalisation Agency
Study number / PID (DOI)
Data access
Information not available
The Citizen Survey - The Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration, 2017 is a part of the Citizen Survey which is conducted by the Public Management and eGovernment (DIFI) and is one of the largest surveys of public administration in Norway. It will provide a better knowledge base for assessing the development of public services across sectors, and provide knowledge that can contribute to the further development of public enterprises in the long term. The population survey says something about how satisfied residents and users are with their municipality and with the large services / businesses in the administration. The results from the survey provide increased insight into users' perceptions of companies in the areas of education and culture, health, care and government agencies. Kantar TNS is responsible for data collection in 2017.
The 2017 population survey consists of a population section and a user section. The population section provides an overall picture of the inhabitants' view of the municipality of residence, including an assessment of the municipal services and trust in politicians and the administration. The user section maps experiences with 22 selected public services in the areas of education and culture, health, care and government agencies.