Study title
Political Socialization (Cologne Schoolchildren Study)
Baker, Kendall L. (University of Wyoming )
Study number / PID
ZA0150, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Attitude of Cologne schoolchildren to government, society, school and
Topics: Education practice and authority structure in school as well
as family; curriculum and teaching methods of the school; political
education in school; political interest as well as political conduct in
family and school; perceived fairness in school; teacher-schoolchildren
relationship; concepts of an ideal society; characteristics of a good
citizen; attitude to compulsory military service; national pride; party
preference; assumed party preference of both parents; election
participation of parents. Scales: dogmatism scale of Rokeach, anomy
scale of McClosky and Schaar, political apathies, political cynicism
and political effectiveness.
Demography: age (classified); sex; religious denomination;
religiousness; school education; household income; self-assessment of
social class.
Interviewer rating: date of interview; length of interview; presence
of teacher during survey.
Also encoded was: identification of interviewer.