Study title
Motives for Population Shift and City Structure (Stuttgart)
Baldermann, Joachim (Städtebauliches Institut der Universität Stuttgart )
Hecking, Georg (Städtebauliches Institut der Universität Stuttgart)
Knauss, Erich (Städtebauliches Institut der Universität Stuttgart)
Study number / PID
ZA0952, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Population shift behavior of the Stuttgart population and reasons for
moving from the center of town to the outskirts as well as in the
opposite direction.
Topics: Most questions were answered for the situation before and
after moving: size of household; number and age of children; form of
housing; satisfaction with housing and satisfaction with
infrastructure; age of residential building; commuting time to work;
move in connection with change of job; criteria for choice of place of
residence; rent costs; most important reason for moving.
Demography: Age; sex; school education; occupation; composition of
household; head of household.