Study title
Interval Study Capabilities: Older Cohort 1985-1995, 6th Wave 1990
Zentralinstitut für Jugendforschung (ZIJ), Leipzig
Study number / PID
ZA6127, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Occupation biographical courses of young people, expectations,
conduct and condition relating to vocational training.
Topics: Goals in life; leisure interests; satisfaction with living
conditions, social development in the GDR, with personal capabilities
and characteristics, with vocational training and one's own health;
expectations in youth; orientations and motives for personal action;
assessment of personal conduct and condition; attitude to work;
education goals after school degree; type of continuing education
facility; direction of specialization; motives for decision about
path of education undertaken; certainty of decision; extent to which
informed about occupational perspectives and requirements in
training; personal first names in training and status of realization;
additional occupation with interesting problem areas; expectations
for later achievement effects; motives for vocational training;
course of application; difficulties in vocational training; desired
occupation achieved; requirements in vocational training;
achievements in training; achievement comparisons in group; final
grades of school subjects; demographic information.