Summary information

Study title

GENDERACTIONplus benchmarking gender equality policies in Research and Innovation. Research funding organisation policies for gender equality in Research and Innovation


Tenglerová, Hana (National Contact Centre for Gender and Science, Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences)
Linková, Marcela (National Contact Centre for Gender and Science, Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences)

Study number / PID

doi:10.14473/CSDA/6KPJ8M (DOI)

Data access

Information not available


Not available


The overall goal of GENDERACTIONplus is to contribute to advancing gender equality in the European Research Area through capacity building, policy exchange and coordination, as well as the provision of strategic policy advice. Through these activities the project contributes to supporting gender equality policy coordination and integration in the new ERA. The project focuses on five thematic areas: intersectionality and inclusiveness; gender-based violence; gender dimension in research, innovation and teaching; monitoring and evaluation in the ERA; institutional change through gender equality plans. To organise the work, two Communities of Practice are created, one consisting of representatives of national authorities and the other of representatives of Research Funding Organisations. As a first step, benchmarking and policy mapping is conducted in the five thematic areas, as a basis for establishing the current and emerging policy solutions in Europe, for building capacities among the project partners and for developing strategic policy advice in the five thematic areas. The objective is to establish what is in place in each country and what are emerging good practices we can learn from. As such, it is an important contribution to ERA Policy Action 5 as the project is expected to provide policy input and advice on ERA Policy Action 5.


Data collection period

03/10/2022 - 30/11/2022


Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Denmark, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Turkey

Time dimension

Cross sectional

Analysis unit

Research Funding Organisations


European Research Area

Sampling procedure

Not available

Kind of data

Survey data

Data collection mode

The data were generated by consortium partners and associated partners of the project through a LimeSurvey questionnaire.

Funding information


European Union’s Horizon 2020

Grant number




Czech Social Science Data Arcive

Publication year

Not available

Terms of data access

Embargo on data until the end of the project.

Related publications

Not available