Study title
Teachers' Experiences of Teaching 3-5 Grades Mathematics in Innovative Learning Environments 2022
Study number / PID
urn:nbn:fi:fsd:T-FSD3864 (URN)
The data consists of interviews where teachers describe their experiences of teaching mathematics in open educational environments with 3rd-5th graders. Some of the interviews were conducted as group interviews and some as individual interviews. First, the interviewees were asked how long they had been teaching in open educational environments and what the open educational facilities of the school are like and how they are organised. This was followed by more detailed questions about teaching mathematics in open educational environments and how the educational environment is suited to teaching mathematics. The advantages and disadvantages of open educational environments compared to classroom-based teaching were also asked. Furthermore, the interviewee was asked about his/her adaptation to teaching mathematics in an open learning environment and was asked to reflect on an ideal educational environment for teaching mathematics. Finally, the interviewees were asked about the support they had received after moving to teaching in an open educational environment. The background data include gender, profession and the type of the educational environment. The data were organised into an easy to use HTML version at FSD.