Study title
On the Political Situation in Rhineland-Palatinate in March 1987
Berger, Manfred (Institut für praxisorientierte Sozialforschung (IPOS), Mannheim )
Gibowski, Wolfgang G. (Institut für praxisorientierte Sozialforschung (IPOS), Mannheim)
Roth, Dieter (Institut für praxisorientierte Sozialforschung (IPOS), Mannheim)
Schulte, Wolfgang (Institut für praxisorientierte Sozialforschung (IPOS), Mannheim)
Study number / PID
ZA1660, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Political attitudes as well as judgement on parties and politicians.
Topics: political interest; party preference (Sunday question and rank
order procedure) at state and federal level; certainty of one´s voting
decision; behavior at the polls in the last state parliament and
Federal Parliament election; sympathy scale for the parties at state
and federal level; satisfaction scale for the state government and the
opposition; sympathy scale for state and federal politicians; preferred
government coalition; attitude to an absolute majority for one of the
major parties; assumed position of the FDP in a coalition;
self-assessment on a left-right continuum; comparison of general
economic situation in Rhineland-Palatinate with that in rest of the
Federal Republic; ability of the state or Federal Government regarding
improvement in the economic situation in Rhineland-Palatinate; most
important problems in Rhineland-Palatinate; assumed probability and
attitude to taking seats in state parliament by the FDP and the Greens;
satisfaction with the government coalition in Bonn; assessment of
personal social mobility.
Demography: year of birth and month of birth; sex; marital status;
religious denomination; frequency of church attendance; school
education; occupational position; employment; assessment of personal
occupational position in comparison to that of father; number of
persons 18 years years old or older in household; respondent is head of
household; characteristics of head of household; party inclination;
party identification; union memberships in household; characterization
of residential surroundings.
Also encoded was: administrative district and district code.