Summary information

Study title

Public health without public trust? Governance of HIV/AIDS prevention in North-West Russia, 2010


Not available

Study number / PID (DOI)

Data access

Information not available


Not available


The project examines the extent to which HIV/AIDS prevention in North West Russia is perceived and treated as a public health issue, requiring a broad, multi-sectoral response. Using multi-level analysis, the project studies processes and perspectives among four types of actors: i) authorities (at federal, district and local levels) ii) professional groups iii) risk groups iv) the general public. It also emphasises processes taking place in the intersections between these actors. The project builds on - and has ambitions to contribute to - theories on trust/social capital, governance, health models, and professionalisation of health and social work. In addition to analysis at the national level, six case studies (located in three federal districts in North-West Russia) will be undertaken. In each case study different types of qualitative interviews will be carried out with policy-makers, professional groups (doctors, nurses and social workers), as well as HIV positive people. Provided additional funding is obtained, we will also conduct two quantitative surveys (among the general population and among risk groups) in order to obtain bottom-up perspectives on HIV/AIDS prevention. The academic output will consist in academic articles and conference papers. The project also pays much attention to the dissemination of results of the project findings. There is already a regional network of actors (policy-makers and professionals) working on HIV/AIDS under the Barents Health Programme, which will be primary users of the project findings.


Not available


Data collection period

2008 - 2010


Time dimension

Not available

Analysis unit



Adults from St Petersburg and Arkhangelsk.

Sampling procedure

Not available

Kind of data


Data collection mode

Not available

Funding information


The Research Council of Norway



NSD - Norwegian Centre for Research Data

Publication year


Terms of data access

Not available

Related publications

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