Study title
Flash Eurobarometer 20 (Internal Market)
Reif, Karlheinz (Kommission der Europäischen Gemeinschaften, Brüssel )
Marlier, Eric (Kommission der Europäischen Gemeinschaften, Brüssel)
Study number / PID
ZA2364, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Attitude to the European domestic market. Topics: Party preference
(Sunday question); attitude to membership of the country in the EC;
inflation, currency questions, unemployment or nationalism as most
important problems of the European Community; most important reason for
unemployment in the EC; most important measures to combat unemployment;
willingness to reduction of hours worked each week; reduction of time
worked each week even with reduced payment; attitude to flexible
working hours; attitude to reduction in wages for flexible working
hours specified by the respondent or the employer; participation in
occupational measures for further education organized by employer,
government support programs or universities; participation in measures
for further education, free or at cost; reading of reference books for
occupational further education; current occupational status of
respondent as well as of primary earner in household; job security and
fear of unemployment; assumed relationship between occupational
education and career chances, job security and occupational mobility
with respondent as well as with primary earner in household; attitude
to tax increases to create new jobs; expected development of
unemployment in the coming years; age at conclusion of school or
university education.