Study title
Citizen Orientations Regarding the Socio-Political Mediation Structures and the Political System of the Federal Republic (October 1994)
Kreikenbom, Henry (Jena)
Study number / PID
ZA2858, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Political orientations, memberships and judgement on parties. Topics:
Residence in the GDR before the turning point; political discussions
during youth in parental home and participation of the children;
political fundamental philosophy of parents in youth of respondent;
reference persons or persons influencing opinion in youth and stating
political fundamental philosophy of these persons; detailed recording
of memberships in clubs, professional organizations and parties during
the GDR time; personally holding office in these organizations,
associations or parties; evaluation of organizations on a
positive-negative continuum; assessment of representation of one´s own
interests by trade unions, initiatives and parties; most important
political goals of the country; current memberships in organizations,
trade unions, associations, clubs and parties; personally holding
office in these organizations and degree of participation in activities
in these individual organizations; sources of information about
politics used at GDR times and at time of survey; characterization of
development of current parties; ability of the parties in selected
controversies; inclination toward Western parties before the turning
point; month of birth; living together with a partner; religiousness;
behavior at the polls in the Federal Parliament election 1994; party
preference (Sunday question); party inclination.