Data are based on an experimental study carried out with the aim of analysing the role of the structure of communication in a coordination game. The computerized experiment has involved 210 subjects, distributed over 12 experimental sessions, and is structured in four treatments. In each treatment, the subjects played eight rounds of the coalitional prisoner’s dilemma, and each treatment implemented one of four symmetric communication structures (no communication, public communication, private communication or both). For each round, the players have stated their prior beliefs related to the expectations of other two opponent's choise (first order beliefs), have communicated for four stages, have choosen their action, have stated their posterior beliefs related to the opponent's beliefs (second order beliefs), and have received feedback on the game and on the belief tasks (see the Methodological Notes for more details about the experimental instructions). The dataset is organised in 10.608 observations: one observation for each message sent by each subject in each communication stage in the treatments with communication, and one observation per round in the treatment without communication. Summing up, the dataset contains 8 observations per 54 subjects in the treatment without communication, 32 observations per 48 subjects in the treatment with public communication, 64 observations per 54 subjects in the treatment with private communication, 96 observations per 54 subjects in the treatment with both communication (public and private).