Study title
Life-Expectancy in Germany, 1700 to 1890.
Imhof, Arthur E. (Fachbereich Geschichts- und Kulturwissenschaften, Freie Universität Berlin )
Study number / PID
ZA8066, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Keywords; Search terms:
historical time series; historical statistics; histat / HISTAT .
In this study the constantly rising human life expectancy since the beginning of the 18th century is analysed in some regions of Germany in comparative point of view.
On the basis of worldwide singular sources in terms of clan registers of villages and localities as well as flow sheets the researcher Arthur E. Imhof and his research group of the ‘Freie Universität Berlin’ analysed more than 130.000 individual biografies from the 17th till the 19th century in six regions of northern, southern and central Germany. Aim of this research project was to compile area life-tables and to compute the life-expectancy.
To enable comparisons with life-expectancy-calculations of today, all data originally prepared by generations are transformed into period-tables according to modern demografic methods.
Regional and national datafiles on populationstructure, development of mortality, historical demography, family structure, date of birth, marriages, number of birth, date of death, cause of death, locality of death, occupation, occupation of the parents.
This study is available as SPSS-Data file as well as a downloadable EXCEL-Data-File, offered via the online-downloadsystem HISTAT (Historical Statistics). In HISTAT timeseries data are available.
Categorisation in HISTAT:
In HISTAT an excerpt of the archived total data stock is offered. The total data stock can be ordered as individual personal data at GESIS, Data Archive and Data Analysis.
A. Datatables about mortality (14 tables, timeseries)
B. Synoptical mortality tables (14 tables, timeseries)
C. Datatables about life expectancy (14 tables, timeseries)
D. Synoptical tables: all regions (without Hamburg) by sex in periodical presentation. (14 tables, timeseries)