Study title
Changes in Motivation Structure of Young People and Young Adults
SINUS-Institut, Heidelberg/München
Study number / PID
ZA1381, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Social and political attitudes of young people.
Topics: Adequate leisure time; most important leisure partner and most
important leisure activities; lack of leisure facilities in the city;
behavior with money (scale); personal financial security for the
future; importance of financial security in selected areas of life;
general prospects for the future; job worries; work in occupation in
which trained; judgement on change due to change of occupation;
frequency and length of personal unemployment; registration with
employment office; most important aspects in occupation; work
satisfaction; work orientation; unemployment among relatives;
relationship to parents; characterization of an ideal wife, an ideal
husband and generally more important characteristics; problems between
young people and adults and relationship with parents (scales);
attitude to marriage and partnership (scale); communication partner in
problem situations; satisfaction with the political system in the
Federal Republic; desired changes in the next ten years; most important
political and social problems; political attitudes; opportunities to
influence politics; alternative ways of life practiced and personal
understanding of alternative ways of life; belonging to selected groups
and organizations of alternative and conventional character; rank
sequence of parties; satisfaction with school system and education
system; experiences in school and training (scale); perceived
achievement pressure;
Demography: age; sex; number of children; ages of children
(classified); age and number of siblings; position in sibling sequence;
school education; school education of father or mother; occupation;
occupational position; occupational position of father or mother;
employment; company size; household income; money freely available
monthly (classified); size of household; living with parents; housing
situation; interest in politics.