Summary information

Study title

Young People and Young Adults in Germany 1995


Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend, Bonn

Study number / PID

ZA2585, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)

10.4232/1.2585 (DOI)

Data access

Information not available


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The situation of young people in East and West Germany and attitudes to questions relevant to young people and political questions. Topics: Most important problems of the country and most important personal problem; visit to the other part of Germany after the border opening and trip abroad in 1994; earlier trips abroad; interest in politics; sympathy scale for the parties; most able party regarding securing the future; satisfaction with the social system and sense of well-being in Germany; judgement on one´s own economic situation and expected further development; father or mother as responsible person in raising children; equal rights for men and women; attitude to solving conflict through force; attitude to socialism; provision for old age by individuals or the government; national pride; attitude to admission of applicants for political asylum; understanding for excesses against applicants for political asylum or shame due to this; general contentment with life; optimism in the future; mobility readiness for occupational reasons; satisfaction with housing; willingness of parents or other persons to help with serious problems; reasons for the justification of violence; satisfaction with public offerings at institutions and services for young people; interest in selected leisure activities (scale); most important reasons for restrictions in the area of leisure opportunities; membership in a youth organization; regular participation in events of the club; clique affiliation; foreigners in one´s circle of friends; assessment of the AIDS danger and of the threat from drugs; friends in a youth sect; conduct given a hypothetical attack on foreigners by young people; work satisfaction; perceived jeopardy to job; living with one´s parents; one´s own room; assessment of the economic situation of parental home; perceived jeopardy to job of father and mother; age at leaving parental home; current residential status; number of siblings; number of children; desired number...
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Data collection period

02/1995 - 03/1995



Time dimension

Not available

Analysis unit

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Sampling procedure

Random selection according to the RLD procedure in Western Germany. Multi-stage stratified random sample in Eastern Germany

Kind of data

Not available

Data collection mode

Oral survey in Eastern Germany and telephone interview in Western Germany



GESIS Data Archive for the Social Sciences

Publication year


Terms of data access

A - Data and documents are released for academic research and teaching.

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