Study title
Teacher competence in upper secondary education, 2017
Torsteinsen, Arnhild (SSB)
Study number / PID (DOI)
Data access
Information not available
In autumn 2017, Statistics Norway (SSB) conducted a survey to assess the competence of teaching staff in upper secondary education. This survey was commissioned by the Ministry of Education and Research (KD) and the results were utilized in SSB's own publications, KD's publications, as well as for research and educational purposes.
Assessing the subject competence of teachers provides crucial factual information for policymakers, teachers' organizations, school management, school owners, and researchers.
When data is collected through the web and respondents are contacted via SMS and email, the marginal cost of conducting a complete enumeration versus drawing a sample is limited. Therefore, SSB decided to employ a complete enumeration method to ensure the most accurate data foundation for the various subjects taught in upper secondary education.
The survey was carried out as a web survey, where all selected individuals received a link with a password via SMS and email. Every salaried employee registered in upper secondary schools during the autumn of 2017 was contacted, resulting in a total of 25,523 individuals reached out to. Out of these, 16,424 web interviews were conducted, resulting in a response rate of 66%.