Summary information

Study title

IMF Primary Commodity Prices 1980-2013


International Monetary Fund

Study number / PID

7265 (UKDA)

10.5255/UKDA-SN-7265-1 (DOI)

Data access



Not available


Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.

The International Monertary Fund (IMF) Primary Commodity Prices (PCP) database includes monthly data from 1980 onwards. The index, maintained by the IMF, tracks prices of internationally traded primary commodities, including industrial metals, foodstuffs, beverages, agricultural raw materials and fuels. It reports benchmark prices that are representative of the global market, determined by the largest exporter of a given commodity. It differs from the World Bank’s (WB) Commodity index as the WB's basket, which is designed to be representative of developing countries, does not include advanced economies' trade for the purposes of constructing the index.

This database was first provided by the UK Data Service in April 2013. Further information about the IMF PCP database in the form of FAQ's can be found at IMF PCP website.

Citation: The bibliographic citation for the database is: International Monetary Fund ({YYYY}): Primary Commodity Prices ({date/edition of dataset}). UK Data Service.

Main Topics:

The database covers:
  • finance
  • economics
  • currency
  • commodity prices
  • index


Data collection period

Not available



Time dimension

Time Series
these data are updated monthly.

Analysis unit

Administrative units (geographical/political)


The IMF PCP indices are based in 2005 (average of 2005 = 100). The IMF first calculate individual commodity price indices in U.S. dollar and SDR terms, basing the price series in those currencies in 2005. Group indices are weighted averages of individual commodity price indices, with respective commodity weights derived from their relative trade values compared to the total world trade as reported in the UN Comtrade database.

Sampling procedure

Further information can be found on the IMF PCP website.

Kind of data

aggregated to world, advanced economies and emerging and developing economies.

Data collection mode

Further information can be found on the <a class="external" href="" title="IMF PCP">IMF PCP</a> website.



UK Data Service

Publication year


Terms of data access

Registration is required and standard conditions of use apply. Additional special conditions of use also apply. See terms and conditions for further information.

Available to those registered at UK institutions of higher or further education only.

Related publications

Not available