Study title
Young Ethnic Germans from Eastern Europe in North Rhine-Westphalia (Intensive Survey)
Institut für Soziale Arbeit, Münster
Study number / PID
ZA1383, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Occupational situation and social integration of young ethnic Germans
from Eastern Europe.
Topics: year of conclusion of the intensive language course; desired
occupation; obstacles to exercising desired occupation; importance of
good occupational qualification; assumed reasons for the worse
integration of ethnic Germans from Eastern Europe into the job market;
importance of occupational success in comparison with satisfaction in
one´s family; work orientation; criteria for choice of job; personal
efforts and experiences in the search for work; measures used in
personal search for work and personal change or retention of original
job desire; frequency and reasons for moves; frequency of contacts with
selected groups of persons; contacts with other Germans and places of
meeting; leisure behavior and leisure contacts; participation in public
events; perceived shortcomings in structuring one´s own leisure time;
attendance at movies, theater and sporting events and reasons for
non-attendance; preferred films, plays and sporting events; athletic
activities; future concepts; conversation partner about the future;
structuring the future according to personal concepts; optimism about
the future; preferred measures to improve personal situation in the
Federal Republic.
Demography: age; sex; marital status; country of origin; school
education; vocational training; occupation; occupational position;
memberships; size of place of residence.