Summary information

Study title

Political agenda-building under the conditions of a hybrid media system – a comparison across countries and issues (COAB)


Pfetsch, Barbara (Institut für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft, Arbeitsstelle Kommunikationstheorie/ Medienwirkungsforschung, Freie Universität Berlin)
Adam, Silke (Institut für Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft, Universität Bern)

Study number / PID

ZA6794, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)

10.4232/1.13596 (DOI)

Data access

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The data set contains variables from a manual content analysis on food safety for which three different types of documents were analysed: 1. texts from websites, 2. articles from print media and 3. documents on the political agenda (plenary debates and documents from relevant committees). The variables can be located at two different levels - at the document level and at the speaker/statement level. A maximum of three different speakers/statements could be coded for website texts and print media articles, and any number of speakers/statements for political agenda documents. The coding at the document level consists of metadata (e.g. date of publication, centrality of the food safety topic in the article), information on the initiation of the documents (events) and references within the documents to (other) media. The coding at the level of speakers/statements consists of individual elements of frames. These are variables for the more precise specification of the addressed problem within the topic of food safety, as well as the naming of reasons / consequences / proposed solutions. Topics: type of the document; month of crawl/ publication; country; name of newspaper; title (headline offline documents); URL of the page; domain the page belongs to; organisation the domain of the page belongs to; social group and country of the actor that issues the page; date of publication; type of article; type of the political document; type of plenary document; initiator of business in political document; real-world event, that stimulated the writing of the document; centrality of the issue; reference to other online or offline media; rank of the most important actor; surname and name of the actor; name of the organisation the actor belongs to; additional information on the function of the actor; social group of the actor; organisational extension of the organisation or institution the actor belongs to; country of the actor/ organisation the actor belongs to; party affiliation...
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Data collection period

01/06/2012 - 31/05/2013


Germany, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States of America

Time dimension

Not available

Analysis unit

Media unit: Text


Not available

Sampling procedure

Probability: Simple random
The selection of texts was initially limited to documents containing a keyword or combination of keywords related to food safety. The following search string was used: (Lebensmittelsicherheit ODER ((Lebensmittel / Nahrung / Futter) UND (Erreger / Keim / Epidemie / Seuche / Krankheit / Gesundheits / Infiziert / Verunreinig / Kontamin / Belast / Gentechni / gefähr / Gefahr / Skandal / Hygien / Risiko / EFSA / BVL / BAG))) respectively (Food safety OR ((food / aliment / feed) AND (germ / epidemic / scare / illness / health / infected / borne / contagious / contaminated / polluted / GM food / genetical / hazard / bioengineer / harmful / scandal / hygiene / risk / EFSA / FDA / FSA))). The search string in the language of the country under investigation was used for both print media articles and political documents, while both search strings were used in parallel for online documents and political documents at EU level. 1) For the online documents, a random sample of 35 texts per month and country was drawn, whereby the selection of the URL/website on which a document was searched for was influenced by the network measure Indegree and thus weighted (Probability Proportional to Indegree-Sampling cf. Maier et al., 2014). URLs/websites within the web presences of organisations that were frequently linked to in the network thus had a greater probability of being considered for sampling. 2) A simple random sample of 35 articles per month and country was taken for the print media articles. 3) For the political agenda a total universe/complete enumeration was conducted.

Kind of data


Data collection mode

Content coding
Quantitative, manual content analysis



GESIS Data Archive for the Social Sciences

Publication year


Terms of data access

C - Data and documents are only released for academic research and teaching after the data depositor's written authorization. For this purpose the Data Archive obtains a written permission with specification of the user and the analysis intention.

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