Summary information

Study title

Living contitions of intellectually disabled people ten years after resettlement in the community, 2001, municipal services


Not available

Study number / PID (DOI)

Data access

Information not available


Not available


The project "Living conditions of intellectually disabled people ten years after resettlement in the community" consists of three surveys: 1. A survey of the living conditions for adults with an intellectual disability who live in their own home/shared houses. 2. A survey of their next of kins' opinions on the services the municipality offers, and their experiences with changes after the resettlement reform was carried out. 3. A suvey of initiatives and services available to adults with an intellectual disabilitiy who lives together with their parents/family. The reasons why some mentally impaired people live at home are adressed. The dataset documented here is from the survey of relatives' opinions on the services the municipality offers and their view of the development of these services after the resettlement reform. The main project's goal is tho shed light on the living conditions and services provided for adults with an intellectual disability in Norway. How was the actual situation 10 years after the dismantling of the Health care for mentally imparied (HVPU), both for those coming from an HVPU-institution as well as for those who never received HVPU services? The leader of the project was Professor Jan Tøssebro, Department of Social Work and Health Science, NTNU Trondheim. The project co-worker Hege Lundeby prepared the notes for the surveys. The project was carried out by Department of Social Work and Health Science, NTNU and financed by the Research Council of Norway.


Not available


Data collection period

01/08/2001 - 01/10/2001


Time dimension

Not available

Analysis unit



Next of kin/guardians for adults with mental disabilities in Norway aged between 20 and 67 years and living in their own house/shared home or other type of housing (outside the parent home) . The point of departure for the survey of next of kin/guardians' views on municipal services were the final sample from the level of living of adultw with intellectual disabilities (N=527)

Sampling procedure

Not available

Kind of data


Data collection mode

Not available

Funding information


The Research Council of Norway



NSD - Norwegian Centre for Research Data

Publication year


Terms of data access

Not available

Related publications

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