Study title
Local Culture for Understanding Mathematics and Science (LOCUMS), 2015
Eggen, Per-Odd (NTNU)
Study number / PID (DOI)
Data access
Information not available
Groups of students are marginalised in western school systems because they see school as part of a culture distanced from their own life outside school, which in turn decreases school motivation and learning outcomes. The present project aimed to increase the quality of science and mathematics education for students in Norwegian lower secondary schools, by developing a practical approach to teaching and learning that links local cultures to science and math education. They aimed to evolve student projects that link inspiring practical work to students lived experiences and local cultures. These activities was then be used to contextualise mathematics and science learning. Based on these student projects the project aimed to develop a model for culturally responsive science teaching. The knowledge developed can be transferred to other school subjects and to any group of students. The project addressed the following research question: Can culturally responsive science and mathematics educations improve teaching and enhance learning?
The student projects will be developed in local schools in Finnmark with reference to indigenous culture in the area, and in parts of Oslo greatly influenced by various immigrant cultures.
The study combines and draw on different sources of data, observation and video filming in the classrooms and in the field, as well as interviews of students, teachers and school leaders. Student video blogs and communication on social platforms are also included in the data.