Study title
Effecting principled improvement in STEM education: Student engagement and learning in early Secondary-School physical science and mathematics
Ruthven, K, University of Cambridge
Study number / PID
10.5255/UKDA-SN-850854 (DOI)
Many students in secondary school find physical science and mathematics uninteresting and difficult to learn with understanding. This leaves important gaps in their education and narrows the range of careers open to them. This project will redesign key aspects of the teaching and learning of these subjects, devising a principled approach which is more effective in engaging students and guiding them towards understanding. Insights from several social scientific fields – concerned with conceptual growth, identity formation, classroom dialogue, collaborative learning, and relations between everyday and formal understanding – will guide the design of an intervention suitable for widespread use in normal school settings. This research project will generate tried-and-tested resources for training teachers and teaching students, and improve understanding of teaching and learning processes in science and mathematics. Phase 1 will involve collaboration with teacher co-researchers from several schools to devise and pilot the intervention. In Phase 2, classroom implementation by the teacher co-researchers will be analysed, and the intervention refined accordingly. Phase 3 will evaluate repeated implementation by the teacher co-researchers, alongside initial implementation by teachers from a wider range of schools, compared to the established practice of a control group of teachers from similar schools.