Summary information
Study title
CONAMORE (CONflicts And Management Of RElationships)
W.H.J. Meeus - Universiteit Utrecht (Utrecht University)
S. Branje (Utrecht University)
Study number / PID
doi:10.17026/dans-z33-krgr (DOI)
easy-dataset:45210 (DANS-KNAW)
Data access
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The CONflicts And Management Of RElationships” (CONAMORE) project is a longitudinal study that started in 2001. The CONAMORE study investigates the adolescents’ interactions with parents and peers, their emotional state, and their general activities. CONAMORE includes >1300 secondary schoolers adolescents that were followed for 5 annual waves (starting in 2001). Of these adolescents, 327 were selected for the family sample that started at W2 (in 2002). In this family sample, data was collected from the adolescent, their parents, and best friend, through self-reported surveys conducted at home. From the first wave onwards, the CONAMORE sample includes two age cohorts, namely early and middle adolescents.
The CONAMORE data shared in DANS are the first 5 annual waves (2001/2002 through 2005/2006) of the school sample, and 4 annual waves (2002/2003 through 2005/2006) of the family sample. Additionally, a follow-up data collection wave was conducted 4/5 years later in 2009/2010. This follow-up data wave can be retrieved upon request. Please note the CONAMORE family sample is related to the RADAR old dataset (RADAR old is stored in a separate project folder in DANS).
**ATTENTION: To request this data, please follow the instructions in file 4. DANS_data request form CONAMORE-[date]-[name].pdf and request the files in the Data files tab from this page.
Data collection period
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Time dimension
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Not availableFunding information
Grant number
DANS Data Station Social Sciences and Humanities
Publication year
Terms of data access
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