Study title
Granted Disability Pension Under Appeal or New Application - Reasons and Justifications, 1994
Grimsmo, Anders (Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet)
Study number / PID (DOI)
Data access
Information not available
The background for "Granted Disability Pension Under Appeal or New Application - Reasons and Justifications, 1994” was the rising rejection rate in disability pension cases from 1989 to 1993. Yet, a large proportion was retired due to disability, after initial rejection of their application. The project objective was to shed light on the reasons why a significant percentage of the people who had their applications for disability pensions rejected, nevertheless granted disability pensions later on. What percentage of the grants was due to reversal on appeal and what percentage was due to a new application? What were the reasons for reversing the previous decision of rejection? Another important issue is what happened in the period between rejection and grant of a disability pension. In addition, it was also interesting to elucidate the role of the most important processors in the process between refusal and grants for a disability pension. In the project, interviews were conducted with social security officials and doctors. In addition studies of initial refusal cases by document studies were carried out. In the following data set, the data from these document studies are presented.