Summary information

Study title

An Extension of Trust and Technology Acceptance Model with Theory of Planned Behavior in the Adoption of Digital Payment: An Empirical Study in Vietnam, 2023-2024


Truong Tuan, L, Phenikaa University

Study number / PID

857466 (UKDA)

10.5255/UKDA-SN-857466 (DOI)

Data access



Not available


Electronic payment (e-payment), also referred to as online payment, has become a widely adopted transaction model across numerous countries. In many regions, the reliance on cash has significantly diminished as individuals increasingly utilize electronic devices such as smartphones and computers to perform financial transactions over the Internet. E-payment systems enable users to carry out a variety of operations, including depositing, transferring, and withdrawing funds. These transactions are often completed swiftly, enhancing efficiency and saving time for users. In developed countries worldwide, electronic payment has emerged as a predominant payment method, accounting for over 90% of daily individual transactions. Aligned with global development trends, e-payments in Vietnam emerged in 2008 and have since experienced significant growth. The Vietnamese government has implemented various programs, projects, and initiatives to promote the development of e-payments, such as the "National Strategy for the Development of Digital Economy and Digital Society to 2025, orientation to 2030" and the "Project on Development of Non-cash Payment in Vietnam in the 2021-2025 period"... However, e-payments in our country still face numerous challenges, especially in the highlands and mountainous regions, where education is low, technological infrastructure is underdeveloped, and cash payment rates remain very high... Therefore, this study aims to achieve the main objectives: Identify and analyze factors affecting the use of e-payment methods in household consumption in the Northern Mountainous region of Vietnam.

The project aims to achieve the following specific objectives: - Evaluate the current status of electronic payment methods in Vietnam in general and in the Northern Mountainous region in particular. - Identify and analyze the impact of various factors on the use of electronic payment methods in household consumption.


Data collection period

01/12/2023 - 30/01/2024


Viet Nam

Time dimension

Not available

Analysis unit



Not available

Sampling procedure

Not available

Kind of data


Data collection mode

The survey was conducted from December 2023 to January 2024 in Lang Son and Cao Bang provinces. The sample size was determined according to the guidelines provided by Hair et al. (2019), which recommends a ratio of 20:1 for the number of variables in the study. With seven constructs in this study, the sample size needed to exceed 140 participants. In this study, we conducted direct surveys with a total of 800 participants, evenly divided between two provinces with 400 individuals in each. Before the interviews, residents were provided with a project summary and instructions for completing the consent form. To incentivize participation, each participant who completed the interview received a gift valued at approximately $2. Out of the initial surveys, 509 questionnaires met the established criteria, resulting in a response rate of 63.63%. Informed consent for participation was obtained through written forms. Respondents were asked to provide personal information, including their name, address, age, education level, income, and occupation, which the interviewers recorded on the survey forms. Finally, participants reviewed their answers for accuracy and signed both the survey form and a receipt for the gift.

Funding information

Grant number




UK Data Service

Publication year


Terms of data access

The Data Collection is available to any user without the requirement for registration for download/access.

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