Study title
Mikrocensus 1971, 2. quarter: Additional Questions for the Population Census
Statistics Austria (N/A)
Study number / PID
doi:10.11587/DIBPEI (DOI)
Data access
Information not available
The microcensus has been carried out since the 1970s and has been repeatedly adapted to changing circumstances over time. The last major reform took place in 2014.
In Austria a population census takes place every 10 years; this census contains a program of important statistical data on population and employment. They roughly corresponds to the information in the Mikrozensus standard survey but are more detailed (for instance with question on the connection of the place of residence and the workplace, questions on education, confession, etc.) Population and Mikrozensus are closely linked which the name already implies: Mikrozensus means a small-scale population census; this should demonstrate that what the population census reports only every 10 years, the Mikrozensus reports through the method of ongoing sampling. These ongoing sample are also collected in the years of the population census. The Mikrozensus however is far more detailed than the survey program of the population census because the Mikrozensus special surveys offer the possibility of asking questions which are fare beyond the scope of the population census. This complementary function of Mikrozensus and population census becomes especially obvious in the June-survey: certain questions that could not be posed in the population census due to the limited program were answered in the Mikrozensus via sampling. These were the topics: questions on the social stratification of the population questions on fertility and succession of birth questions on the silent Human Resources