Summary information

Study title

Microcensus 2001, 3. quarter: Questions on Families (SUF edition)


Statistics Austria (Statistik Austria)

Study number / PID

doi:10.11587/PQB6I0 (DOI)

MZ2001_3 (WISDOM number)

Data access

Information not available



The microcensus has been carried out since the 1970s and has been repeatedly adapted to changing circumstances over time. The last major reform took place in 2014.


Full edition for scientific use. The topic of the Microcensus survey in September 2001 is about family-related topics. It is more or less a repetition of the survey conducted in June 1991. Then as well as now the Microcensus questions give additional information, important for social research, to the one gathered in the population census. These questions are on the size, structure and contact-density of family networks across the boarders of the household, as well as on the change in the timing of central biographical events (moving out of the parents house, first relationship, first marriage, birth of the first child), or the change in the number of children. The survey program consists of 4 parts: questions on biological relations, questions on moving out of the parents house, questions on marriage and divorce, questions on the desire to have children.


Data collection period

07/2001 - 09/2001



Time dimension

Longitudinal: Trend/Repeated cross-section

Analysis unit



Persons registered in the central register of residents living in private households

Sampling procedure

Probability: Stratified: Disproportional

Kind of data


Data collection mode

Face-to-face interview



The Austrian Social Science Data Archive

Publication year


Terms of data access

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