Summary information

Study title

Microcensus 2003, 3. quarter: Labour Force Survey, Extended Housing Survey (SUF edition)


Statistics Austria (Statistik Austria)

Study number / PID

doi:10.11587/GRWZDI (DOI)

Data access

Information not available



The Microcensus has been carried out since the 1970s and has been repeatedly adapted to changing circumstances over time. The last major reform took place in 2014.


Full edition for scientific use. The Microcensus special survey from September 2003 consisted of two parts: -> standard-questions of the extended housing survey (A-sheet) -> labour force survey (B-sheet) Since 1983 labour force surveys (LFS) are conducted annually in all European Union (EU) member states. The LFS serve as a basis for internationally compatible (in terms of definition and survey method) data on employment and unemployment for the European Commission. In Austria the LFS is conducted fully annually. The chosen month therefore is March because in this month the Microcensus-quarterly-survey which is most suitable in terms of scheduling for the LFS is performed. Central questions for the assessment of the number of employed and unemployed persons (and as a result for the calculation of the unemployment rate according to international standards) are in addition (since 1994) asked quarterly in the Microcensus standard survey. The survey conducted in March always relates to the week before the interview and includes the whole population, which means everybody who has their main residence in Austria. Data for persons not found have to be added via a substitution method so that results for the whole population can be provided. In Austria (as well as in several other states) the LFS is only conducted among the population in private households; people who live in institutions (retirement homes, boarding homes, and the like) are not included in the survey (the Microcensus special surveys are not conducted in institutional households due to organisational problems and problems with performing the surveys there). These are topics of the LFS: -> immigrants with and without the Austrian citizenship (4 questions) -> features of the first job (21 questions) -> statements on part-time jobs (6 questions) -> previous employments of unemployed persons (7 questions) -> job-seeking (13 questions) -> situation of unemployed persons (3 questions) -> school and professional...
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Data collection period

07/2003 - 09/2003



Time dimension

Longitudinal: Trend/Repeated cross-section

Analysis unit



Persons registered in the central register of residents living in private households

Sampling procedure

Probability: Stratified: Disproportional

Kind of data


Data collection mode

Face-to-face interview



The Austrian Social Science Data Archive

Publication year


Terms of data access

For more Information please visit AUSSDA's web page

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