Summary information

Study title

Surveys of Teachers, 2004-2010


General Teaching Council for England
ORC International
London Metropolitan University, Institute for Policy Studies in Education
National Foundation for Educational Research

Study number / PID

6890 (UKDA)

10.5255/UKDA-SN-6890-1 (DOI)

Data access



Not available


Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The General Teaching Council for England (GTCE) commissioned six independent surveys of the views and experiences of the teaching profession between 2004 and 2010. The surveys were conducted annually, with the exception of 2008, when no survey was undertaken. The surveys formed part of the evidence base which informed GTCE policy and its advice to the Secretary of State for Education. The GTCE closed in 2012. The principal focus of the GTCE surveys were as follows:2004: key challenges and teachers’ aspirations for the future2005: continuing professional development, personalised learning, assessment and developments in education2006: teaching and learning, continuing professional development, equality, assessment and developments in their own careers and in education more widely2007: pupil achievement, continuing professional development, career plans, and awareness of and training on equalities2009: teacher accountability and its purposes, and also how teachers maintain and improve their professional knowledge and practice through CPD; and2010: what teachers do to inform and improve their practiceRandom samples of approximately 10,000 teachers were drawn from the GTCE's Register of Teachers. Response rates varied up to 42%. A booster sample of teachers from black and minority ethnic (BME) backgrounds was added to certain surveys, to help ensure statistically-valid results for this group. Data Availability: Users should note that the UK Data Archive only holds quantitative data files for survey years 2007, 2009 and 2010. For 2004-2006, results tables are included in the survey reports (see Documentation table below). There was no survey in 2008. The GTCE website has now closed, but lists locations where reports and publications are now held. The NFER website also includes information about some of the survey years. Main Topics:Topics covered in the surveys over the years included:...
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Data collection period

Not available



Time dimension

Repeated cross-sectional study
The survey ran annually from 2004-2010, with the exception of 2008 when no survey was conducted.

Analysis unit



Teachers in England during 2004-2010.

Sampling procedure

Multi-stage stratified random sample
See annual reports for further details of sampling.

Kind of data


Data collection mode

Postal survey



UK Data Service

Publication year


Terms of data access

The Data Collection is available to UK Data Service registered users subject to the End User Licence Agreement.

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