Summary information

Study title

A Collaborative Simulation Design Embedding Trauma Informed Approaches in Police Responses to Child Sexual Exploitation, 2022-2023


Green, T, University of Kent

Study number / PID

857321 (UKDA)

10.5255/UKDA-SN-857321 (DOI)

Data access



Not available


Building on our research expertise on using ‘serious game’ technology for more effective training for child protection workers, the Centre for Child Protection (CCP) partnered with Kent Police (KP) to co-create an ESRC funded pilot-simulation training tool embedding a trauma informed approach (TIA) within police responses to girls with lived experience of child sexual exploitation (GLE-CSE), aiding in the disruption of violence against women and girls. This project utilised a participatory action and co-creation approach with KP collaborators and delegates who offered detailed feedback on development and delivery of this simulation training experience. Across a range of workshops, CCP and KP reviewed relevant literature, unpublished police cases, and subject specific tacit/academic knowledge to create 6 learning outcomes (LO): • (LO1) Develop knowledge around identification and recognition of CSE, • (LO2) Understand how to support GLE-CSE with a TIA, • (LO3) Develop skills around the active investigation of CSE with GLE-CSE, • (LO4) Understand how to prepare and present CSE cases to the Crown Prosecution Service • (LO5) Recognise and respond to secondary trauma in oneself and colleagues • (LO6) Develop skills to engage GLE-CSE. Workshops also included simulation planning via the application of tacit/academic knowledge within interactive elements, storyline, diverse character details and backgrounds, script writing, training strategies to engage police, and the sketching of characters. Outputs from the collaborative design were integrated into the creation of a pilot training tool, supporting training materials which included instructions, activities, worksheets, a training pack, and an academic overview of essential concepts. Training was delivered to 77 investigators and evaluated using a mixed-methods survey with short answer feedback and Likert-style questions. There was a 100% response rate. Participants completed feedback forms before, during...
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Data collection period

01/11/2022 - 31/10/2023


United Kingdom

Time dimension

Not available

Analysis unit



Not available

Sampling procedure

Not available

Kind of data

Still image
Interactive resource

Data collection mode

CCP has 10+ years’ experience of creating and evaluating ‘serious game’ simulation training tools targeting child protection matters. This project built on that knowledge via a participatory action and co-creation approach with KP collaborators and delegates who offered detailed feedback on development and delivery of this simulation training experience. Training was delivered to 77 investigators and evaluated using a mixed-methods survey with short answer feedback and Likert-style questions. There was a 100% response rate. Participants completed feedback forms before, during and after training where they self-assessed against learning outcomes (LOs).

Funding information

Grant number




UK Data Service

Publication year


Terms of data access

The Data Collection is available from an external repository. Access is available via Related Resources.

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Not available