Study title
Updating vs. exposure to modify responses to traumatic stimuli: an experimental study, 2014
Pile, V, King's College London
Study number / PID
10.5255/UKDA-SN-851654 (DOI)
Experimental data resulting from study investigating methods to reduce the conditioned fear response, intrusion frequency and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) symptoms after viewing trauma films. The research used an experimental design that combined conditioning and trauma film paradigms. All participants underwent the same fear conditioning paradigm where trauma film stimuli (unconditioned stimuli) were paired with neutral stimuli (conditioned stimuli). Participants were randomly allocated to one of three US devaluation groups: ‘update’, ‘exposure’ and ‘control’. Exposure and updating techniques are frequently used as components of psychological therapy for PTSD but their relative effectiveness is unclear. This study aimed to compare the effects of updating the meaning of the trauma films (update group), further exposure to the trauma films (exposure group) and viewing non-traumatic films of related content (control group) on the reduction of the conditioned fear response and analogue PTSD symptoms. This study also investigated whether individual differences in fear conditioning are associated with the development of PTSD symptomatology.
Overall, the findings suggest that adding a cognitive update to a US devaluation process significantly reduces subjective distress ratings to fear conditioned stimuli as well as intrusion frequency and PTSD symptoms. Adding a cognitive update to US devaluation increased skin conductance response to the conditioned stimulus compared to further exposure to the films. In this study, having a larger conditioned acquisition response predicted higher intrusion frequency and distress and more PTSD symptoms.