Study title
Interval Study Risk 1986-1995 - Leipzig Schoolchildren Study, 9th wave 1995
Deutsches Jugendinstitut München, Regionale Arbeitsstelle Leipzig
Study number / PID
ZA6183, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Coping with development demands of adolescence, risk situations and
risk behavior of young people in an Eastern German region.
Topics: Goals in life (scale); moral orientations (scale); proving
oneself in vocational training and high school; problems in transfer
into vocational training and reasons for termination (scale);
problems with transfer into current school instruction (scale);
climate in class; participation in achievement courses; type,
duration and direction of instruction; participation in supplementary
instruction; evaluation of instruction (scale); motives for choice of
occupation; satisfaction with selected areas of life (scale); family
living conditions and relationship with parents; employment of
parents; changes of situations in life experienced in the past year;
reasons for migration (scale); bond to place of residence (scale);
places of residence of family members; left-right classification;
assessment of personal future chances; preferred conversation partner
with problems (scale); national identity (scale); political attitude
to socialism, national security, foreigners, fascism; personal
psychological burden; deviant behavior (scale); support by persons in
search for work (scale); feeling of threat (scale); frequency of
trips to leisure facilities and leisure events (scale); comparison of
leisure offering and expectations; leisure partner (scale);
extent of media usage; membership and activity in leisure groups
(scale); attitude to various groups of young people (scale); contact
with sects; membership in youth organization; use of legal and
illegal drugs (scale); condition of health and use of medications;
partnership; attitudes to love and sexual conduct; desire for
children; measures for pregnancy contraception; extent to which
informed about AIDS; net income of household; current housing