Study title
Interval Study Risk 1986-1995 - Leipzig Schoolchildren Study, 6th Wave 1991
Deutsches Jugendinstitut München, Regionale Arbeitsstelle Leipzig
Study number / PID
ZA6180, Version 1.0.0 (GESIS)
Data access
Information not available
Investigation of risk situations and coping with risk by young people
in the East German states under changed social conditions.
Schoolchildren questionnaire:
satisfaction with achievements;
frequency of leisure activities (scale);
leisure interests;
available leisure facilities in vicinity of residence;
belonging to leisure groups (scale);
importance of grades;
reasons for learning well (scale);
evaluation of social characteristics in school (scale);
personal achievement assessment (scale);
satisfaction with various areas of life (scale);
stress from problems (scale);
contact or advisor with problems and various questions (scale);
health complaints (scale);
housing conditions;
employment of parents;
path of education sought;
moral orientations (scale);
life changes after the turning point;
liking for youth groups (scale);
personal models;
goals in life (scale);
family climate, child-raising style of parents (scale);
differences of opinion between parents and young people;
use of alcohol and nicotine by schoolchildren and family members;
use of drugs;
belief in God;
comparison of today's living conditions with those in the GDR (scale);
future concepts (scale);
condition in stress situations;
predictions for social development (scale);
deviant behavior (scale);
stand on foreigners.
Parents questionnaire:
child-raising style and educational goals (scale);
evaluation of conduct of the young person (scale);
concerns for one's own child (scale);
assessment of today's opportunities for the child;
employment and occupational burden of parents;
satisfaction of father and mother with various areas of life (scale);
moral orientations (scale);
attitude and conduct of parents on alcohol and nicotine.
Teacher judgement questionnaire:
assessment of school achievements of the schoolchild;
evaluation of general and special behaviors of the schoolchild (scale);
group relations in class.