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Cornwall LEM Residential Electricity Dataset with Solar Production and Battery Storage, 2018-2020
Nicholls, D, Centrica PLC
Kane, D, Trilemma Consulting Limited
Study number / PID
854578 (UKDA)
10.5255/UKDA-SN-854578 (DOI)
Data access
Not available
Three categories of data are included in this dataset: Measurement Datasets; Forecast Datasets; Dimension Datasets.
The Measurement Datasets include the following: 1) Timeseries Database Table: t_msb1m (resolution 1-min): Sonnen data recorded from the 'MySonnenBatterie' (MSB) portal, including a range of Energy records and State of Charge data. 2) Timeseries Database Table: t_ims1m (resolution 1-min): Independent Monitoring System (IMS), consisting of Energy, Power, Grid Voltage, Grid Frequency & Grid Power. 3) Timeseries Database Table: t_ims1s (resolution 1-sec): Independent Monitoring System (IMS), consisting of Power (PV, Grid, BESS) and Grid Frequency.
The Forecast Datasets include the following: 1) Timeseries Database Table: t_prodconsforecasts (resolution 1-hr): Production & Consumption Forecasts from Sonnen, via Sonnen VPP. 2) Timeseries Database Table: t_weatherforecasts (resolution 1-hr): Weather Forecasts from external provider, via the MSB portal, including precipitation, solar irradiance and sunshine hours, available at Post Code District level.
The Dimension Datasets include the following: 1) Database Table: t_sites: Site List, linking the persistent site ID, to Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) type, BESS power/energy capacities, photovoltaic (PV) capacity and major load type. 2) Additional MetaData: including the following: a) Original Web Questionnaire; completed by respondents from the original recruitment exercise - results available for 66 sites; b) Desktop & Site Surveys, Design & System Costs; completed by SunGift (Installation Contractor) on behalf of Sonnen (BESS Vendor) - results available for 71 sites; c) Summary of EPC data; data retrieved from the EPC register[1] completed by TLC - results available for 75 sites.
A more complete description is provided in the Data Dictionary document.
[1] EPC Register (England & Wales),, accessed October 2020The Cornwall Local Energy Market (LEM) is a £17m...
Terminology used is generally based on DDI controlled vocabularies: Time Method, Analysis Unit, Sampling Procedure and Mode of Collection, available at CESSDA Vocabulary Service.
Data collection period
01/09/2018 - 30/09/2020
United Kingdom
Time dimension
Not available
Analysis unit
Housing Unit
Not available
Sampling procedure
Not available
Kind of data
Data collection mode
The method for data collection differed depending on data type and collection equipment. In the case of timeseries data ('Measurement Datasets' and 'Forecast Datasets'), four methods were used: 1) direct measurement from arrays of current transformers, wired to a multi-channel electrical meter at each site, installed specifically for this project. 2) data scraped from the MySonnenBatterie portal, linked to the on-board controller of a device installed specifically for this project. 3) data downloads from the MySonnenBatterie portal, linked to the on-board controller of a device installed specifically for this project. 4) data downloads from the MySonnenBatterie portal, relaying 3rd party data from an external provider (weather forecasts).From the 'Dimension Datasets', describing the sites and households, three methods were used: 1) anonymised household survey data collected from web questionnaires. 2) anonymised desktop and site survey data, collected using design parameters and analytical results for the equipment installations. 3) anonymised data from the public Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) register.
Funding information
Grant number
UK Data Service
Publication year
Terms of data access
The Data Collection is available for download to users registered with the UK Data Service.