Study title
Ageing Society 2008 - Analysis of the Wishes and the Reality of Older Employees in the Working World 2008
Wimmer, Tanja (N/A)
Hudler-Seitzberger, Michaela (N/A)
Hager, Isabella (N/A)
Eder, Anselm (N/A)
Study number / PID
doi:10.11587/BXICIT (DOI)
Data access
Information not available
The project Ageing Society - challenge for business and society done by the Zukunftsforum Österreich (future-board Austria) is concerned with the problem ageing employees from the enterprises point of view. The aim was to examine the Austrian enterprises strategies and measures concerning the ageing employees and to thereby evaluated how older employees are involved in the working-process or which strategies regional enterprises have and which measures they have taken to employ these older workers. ->To compare the enterprises point of view with the position of the older employees this study especially analyses the wishes and the reality of older employees in the working world. To gain a comprehensive picture of the employment situation of older employees and Austrian-wide study (targeting the working population) on the topic working-satisfaction and stress in an ageing society was conducted. It complemented the survey on the situation of the employees and was concerned with the area of tension between satisfaction and stressed which shown here in an overview. The focus of the questions was mainly the attitudes in the different age groups.