Study title
Level of Living Among Students, 2010/2011
Study number / PID (DOI)
Data access
Information not available
In 2010 and 2011, Statistics Norway (SSB) conducted a survey on the level of living among students, commissioned by the Ministry of Education and Research. The objective was to map out students' living and studying conditions, their social networks and health, as well as conditions relating to their work and leisure. In addition to examining the state of these matters in 2010 and 2011, the survey also aimed to describe the development over time, through the comparison to earlier surveys of the level of living among students, conducted by Statistics Norway in 1998 and 2005.
In survey of the level of living among students that was conducted spring 2010 were first-year students (students who started their studies in 2009) mistakenly not included in the sample. It was therefore necessary to conduct an additional survey of this group of students. The main survey from 2010 was in the spring semester 2011 supplemented with 400 interviews of the first year students, i.e. students who commenced their studies in 2010.
The questionnaires in the supplementary survey was similar to the questionnaires from 2010, but the supplementary survey was conducted by telephone only, and the self-report form was to be filled out either on paper or web.